Services: Digital Photo Retouching
We know there are the reservists who feel that altering a photo takes away from its naturalism but let's face it, this is 2007 and 95% of the photos we come across in the media and other every day sightings are retouched. 5 Star Grafix has open closed eyes, removed pimples, corrected unaligned eyes, corrected skin discolorations, removed unwanted elements and even tucked tummies where abs were preferred. In short if you think it's possible we can probably do it so there is no need to throw away that gorgeous photo you have just because of the unexpected blink that happened as the camera flashed. And should you and your mate decide to get back together after tearing up that beautiful Prom photo, we can fix that as well, though we can make no guarantees on the relationship. Contact us today!!!
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